Putting Down Fresh Tracks

Posted by penus on Friday, December 21, 2012

This morning I didn't think it would be a big deal but what looms ahead is, without a doubt, unsettling, but not for reasons you might think. I want to be the best husband, not just that I can be, but the best in the world, as in getting voted Time Magazine's Husband of the Year for more years in a row than any other husband. The pressure to be the best is heavy. For someone who likes independence as much as I do, I know being in a committed relationship is going to mean tons of work. I already know some of the areas I need to improve upon and I am sure more areas I need to improve upon will come to light very quickly as the marriage commences.

I am not talking about the big things like cheating and lying; I am talking about the little things like saying nice things even though you don't necessarily want to, cleaning up after my wife without saying anything snide (just doing it!), not bitching about the fact that I filled up the dogs' water bowl 500 million times in a row compared to her 2, and making sure that at least 75%...okay, maybe 99% of the decisions I make have her considerations in mind as well as the end result benefitting my own selfish needs. My sister left me a voicemail yesterday that was full of good advice but what stuck with me was when said: "make sure you do sweet things for each other." Gracie is already well ahead of me on this one so being reminded that reciprocity is important in a relationship was well timed.

For a lot of years I never thought this morning would ever happen and if it did I thought I would be that guy who passed out at the altar. The joke between Gracie and I as she has gone out on countless bachelorette excursions has been - you don't get a bachelor party you've had a bachelor party for the last 43 years. Everything happens for a reason...

I would not be in the position I am in this morning without becoming the man that I have become due to countless failures over the last several decades. Failures is a terrible word choice, but I cannot come up with a better word for it is early and I have a lot on my plate today...

Let me try and say it differently - I cringe when I look back at how I acted on some dates, in some relationships, and on some occasions during moments leading up to possible romantic encounters. I honestly don't think I started growing up until I turned 38. But I will say this - I never "settled", never have never will. All my romantic pursuits were after top-shelf women because I was enamored by the beauty on the outside and intrigued with what made the inside tick. And I am forever grateful for every moment and cherished memory that occurred because each was indeed a privilege bestowed upon me. From each of these experiences I learned a great deal because I was pretty much an idiot most of the time. Now, and only now, am I able to take this great step toward maturity after recognizing my foolishness and then making the proper (hopefully) adjustments. I feel very fortunate not only because when I look at my past I see nothing but incredible beauty but the beauty that waits ahead of me is rather overwhelming.

The sun has risen high above the buildings now and I need to start getting cleaned up and dressed in my new duds. I know that all three people who will read this are either good friends or family so I look forward to celebrating this wonderful day with you at some point in the very near future!!

A song just popped into my head which I think makes for a good start to the day (minus the somewhat sad ending of course)

Big hugs to all!
More aboutPutting Down Fresh Tracks

Just a Quick update

Posted by penus on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We have had 3 new horses come into care - 3 year old OTT TB which needs a spell due to injury. We had xrays done and will spell him for 6-12 months. 9 Year old TB gelding and a 20 year old emaciated 14hh of unknown breeding.

Also, we are opening a new care facility on the Gold Coast on the 18th of Jan 2013 and will be looking for some new volunteers to help run this facility. Please email saveahorseaustralia@yahoo.com.au if you would like to help. We are holding an orientation day in Feb 2013 which will be an all day event and will include a natural horsemanship lesson so that volunteers can learn how to handle our horses correctly. The date is yet to be set.

We have held our AGM and have elected a new committee. Details will be updated in the new year.

We also have some amazing fundraising ideas and will be looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, if you have some ideas or would like to help please email me.

Our 2013 calendar was an amazing success and we will be planning the 2014 in March. We are looking for some sexy men to model for us and each month will have a special theme with a different rescue horse. It will be a funny calendar so if you think the 2013 one was awesome just wait until the 2014 one is released! Fun times ahead!! :-)

Now we have been working so super hard all year and I have decided to close our admin office over Chrissy to give all of our committee a well earned break. This means that no one will be answering emails or inboxes or voicemail messages from the 21st of Dec - 5th  of Jan. If you have an urgent message you can text 0428333044 but only very urgent issues will be dealt with during that time. We need a break as well. In this 2 weeks we will not be taking in any new horses, adopting any out or putting on any new foster homes or volunteers.. Please wait until after the 5th of Jan for this.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe holiday and stay turned in 2013 for so much exciting news and updates. We are very excited to be opening the new Gold Coast Care facility in Guanaba on the 18th of Jan 2013. :-)

Much Love Amanda Vella xxx

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