Rescue Horse of the Week ~ Harry 2010

Posted by penus on Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Each week we will profile a rescue horse from the past with an update on how the horse is going now.. This week we will profile Harry ~ 24 year old STB that was left in a paddock to starve

In March 2010 one of my very good friends bought her first acerage house in Advancetown, but when she moved her and her horses and family in, they got a surprise. The last owners left their horse behind (and some chickens and a mini pig). When she contacted the owners they told her they couldnt take him and to dog him. Sad but true. So she called me, and i took him in. I named him Harry because he was a grumpy old man and Harry is a grumpy old man's name. Well, so we all thought anyway. Harry put on weight well and was re-homed to the lovely Mark and Vicki who own Yatala Produce (see contact details in the "supporters" section of this site). For a horse who's mum and dad own a produce store would be very much the same as a kid who's parents own a lolly shop.... They have called him "Prince Harry" and he is so spoilt and very much loved. Harry is a beautiful old boy, stubbon but very loveable. Vick and Mark are wonderful for taking this lovely horse in and offering him the perfect forever home.
Day 1 ~ Poor old fellow had no energy

Im giving him a bath

Rubbing his brain

Giving him a bath

Poor old boy

Batman Horse in his rugs

Looking much nicer

To fat to roll all the way over

With his new dad ~ Mark

With his new mum ~ Vicki They love him so much xox

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