Rescue Horse of the Week ~ Bobbie

Posted by penus on Thursday, September 23, 2010

Each week we will profile a rescue horse from the past with an update on how the horse is going now.. This week we will profile Bobbie.

Bobbie came to me as a "surrender"  in sept 2009 ~ He was in poor condition, full of worms, bad teeth, slight rain scald and all in all very unhealthy. It took him longer than normal to put on weight but he turned out to be an awesome little pony.
In Jan 2010 he was re-homed to a lovely lady who works for the RSPCA. She was looking for a beginners horse to learn how to ride, and Bobbie was just perfect for her. Together they do pony club days, trail riding and just love each other to bits. A very happy ending for an amazing little horse.

Bobbie on arrival

Week 2

Week 4

Week 8

Week 11

Week 12

Week 16

10 months ~ in his new home

In his new home

In his new home

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