STOP the Sale of Horse Meat for Human Consumption in W.A & Australia

Posted by penus on Friday, November 19, 2010

Finally we have our petition ready for download. Please print it off, have it signed by as many people as you can and have it posted back to the address at the bottom of the petition. This isn’t just a Western Australia issue anymore. Vince Garreffa of Mondi Di Carne gourmet butchers in Inglewood Perth was granted a license to sell horse meat by state Agriculture and Food Minister Terry Redman, however, Garreffa’s license allows him to sell this meat to anyone in Australia and horse has been served in restaurants and sold to meat suppliers Australia wide.

Our aim is for 10,000 signatures and once collated we plan to hold a rally to present to a W.A Labor Politician to formally present this to the W.A Legislative assembly. We will be asking them to review and revoke the license immediately based on the complete absence of any Australian Industry Standards for the welfare, slaughter and sale of Horse Meat for human consumption.

We oppose the sale of horse meat due to the lack of due process in the granting of this license, no considerations were made to ensure the welfare and health of these horses and the process of slaughter and supplying horse meat for human consumption. Minister Redman and Mr Gareffa also refuse to provide details of the horses selected and supplied for slaughter, which provides the public with no assurance that the meat is fit or SAFE for human consumption.

We also oppose the sale of Horse Meat based on the cultural beliefs and traditions within Australia, where we do not consume our companion animals.

Please download our petition, have it signed by as many people as you can and post it back to us at the postal address supplied on the petition ~ we need all of the support and help we can get.

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