Posted by penus on Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is to thank the many people who donated items to the RDA centres affected by the floods. Your donations have been coming in and I have my car packed to the roof awaiting delivery. There has been so many parcels and when I have gone to my PO Box the lady says "Amanda, you'll need another trolly". This is just wonderful and the love and support you have all shown is amazing especially in a time when they need it the most.

So, to everyone who donated items thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you from the RDA centres and thank you from the disabled riders. You have all helped get these centres open again so that they can continue to help the disabled people who loves these horses so much.

The big clean up

There grounds under water

Also ~ Massive thank you to the amazing people who have donated rugs to us at SAHA. We are currently doing a winter rug donation drive so that we can have warm rugs ready for the cooler months. If you have some rugs that you would like to donate please email or call. Thank you so much to the people who have donated, you are all amazing. x

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