Jet is available for sponsorship

Posted by penus on Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jet has found 5 sponsers ~ Massive thank you to Sue Lloyd, Amanda Stewart, Rachel McDougall, Ricky Govier and Helen Weder.

Jet was surrendered on the 30th of Jan 2011 in poor condition. He has been putting on weight well and we have been treating him for a sarcoid on his hind leg. He is also being treated by Robert Humphries chiropractor due to stumbling. Jet is a quite gentle old soul who would kill for a treat and loves being groomed and cuddled. We are hoping that he will be ready in about 6-8 weeks for a new home and are searching for 5 short term sponsors for Jetty jet.

Jet is searching for 5 sponsors at $10 per week each.

What you get for sponsoring Jet:
Once Jet has been re-homed you will get a personalised photo album with photos of Jet’s progress from the beginning right through to the end of his rehabilitation. This will include progress updates and a certificate of appreciation. You will also be listed on our website as Jet’s sponsors. It only cost $10 per week to sponsor Jet so if you think you would like to help him get through his rehab please email me on and I will give you all of the details.

Thank you so much for helping us help the horses.

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