Two New Rescue Horses

Posted by penus on Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We have two new rescue horses that arrived today. Candy is a little buckskin pinto shetland pony with a bad eye and Tess is an Arab mare about 14hh. Both have just arrived and will be assessed by our vet this week.

If you are interested in sponsoring one of these horses please email and I will email you the details. Sponsorship is only $10 per week and you will get a beautiful framed photo of your sponsor horse when they are re-homed. Thanks so much for supporting our beautiful horses.

More aboutTwo New Rescue Horses

Exciting New Raffle With Great Prizes

Posted by penus on Sunday, June 26, 2011

To all of our wonderful supporters,
We have decided to launch another raffle to help with our very massive ever growing vet accounts, each month our Nerang Vet Practice account is between $1000 - $1500 and at the moment we have our Manly Rd Vet Account down to $5600 with our outstanding Veresdale Vet account down to $905.

This raffle will run for 4 weeks and the prize includes:

1st prize. One nights’ accommodation (which you can use yourself or give as a gift) staying in a cozy little country cottage in scenic rim. Also, a pamper pack from horseland OR if you don’t have a horse, a pamper pack for yourself made up of all kinds of goodies.

2nd Prize is your choice of a pony, cob or full size bling browband incrusted with Swarovski crystals.
Tickets are $2 each and the raffle will be drawn on the 1st of August being the horses birthday.

Please deposit money into our account using your surname and “JH” as the reference.
Thank you so much for supporting SAHA and helping us help the beautiful horses.

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671
Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

Jack: Being treated for grey horse melanoma's

Marley: Chronic Laminitis, white line desease and fratured pedal bones

Mishka: being treated for melignant sarcoma

Abbey: Was found abused and starving to death

Massive thanks to everyone who has bought tickets and to the wonderful people who have donated prizes for the raffle. You are all amazing. xxx
More aboutExciting New Raffle With Great Prizes

Remembering When...

Posted by penus on Thursday, June 23, 2011

I got bullied.

Reading news reports about bullying makes me want to become an advocate for the death penalty. Legalize marijuana but put bullies to death. The effects of drug use can heal over time as I suppose the effects of bullying can too, but, unfortunately, the scenes of being shoved into a bathroom and beaten with fists by more than one person are a lot more vivid today than sneaking a joint and a couple smooches with a raven-haired beauty at camp. I wish it was the other way around.

The other day I was walking the Mongrel and saw a young boy walking down the street with his mother. Joy and innocence of being a pre-teen in the summer time was covered by a mask of sadness over his face. The mother attended to her son with an expression that was a mix of concern and strength. These two were on their way away from a playground. As the Mongrel and I approached the playground I saw more kids than ever playing various games all across the blacktop lot. I don't know the story but I couldn't help but wonder - why can't everyone just get along?

I know it is hard for anyone to believe that such a bad-ass warrior as myself, who turned into one of the most incredible human beings ever, was ever bullied but it is true. The pain both physically and emotionally was exceptionally hard to deal with. I was new at Sts. Peter and Paul so I was attacked in the boys bathroom by two guys who didn't like the fact that I was there. They punched me continuously in the arms and chest so nothing would show and alert the Sisters. I was also attacked by a group of girls who pulled my shorts down outside of the locker room. Today I wouldn't mind that so much, as long as it wasn't too cold outside, but back then it was horrific. Later in my teens, a knife was pulled on me in a  restroom at Easton High School. These are just a few of the incidents.

Maybe it was because my parents made me dress like a geek or I always said out loud that I wanted to be a pirate when asked what profession would you choose. Something made people want to f#*k with me and most of that was the result of my own undoing. I could be a little weird. A lot of other kids had it much worse than I did. There were a few times that someone I knew just didn't show up to school the next day, or any other day after that. You would hear about sightings of that person around town, but they just weren't there anymore. School was awful; no wonder I liked going to church so much.

In Chicago, bullying can happen with guns or big sticks and death can be the result. Times are harsher. I contemplate getting back into teaching so I can be a part of suppressing intimidation. But the thought of doing so also scares me. School grounds in Chicago are no joke!

My trauma happened way before technology made it easier to be crueler. (Even though it is hard for me to imagine anything crueler than a fifth grader having his shorts pulled down on an exceptionally brisk fall day!) I don't know how one deals with bullying in today's society. One of the reasons I stopped teaching high school was the fact that there is hardly any discipline left in the modern school system. Whenever I saw even the slightest acts of bullying by a student I wanted to pulverize him or her into the macadam. Most of what I saw was verbal that had to deal with family income, athletic prowess, weight, or mental capabilities. If there was an incident usually a scholarship student had to deal with harsher penalties more so than a full-tuition student, no matter who was at fault. Witnessing bullying in any form would ruin my day. I took my job home with me and that was not a good thing. I am older now so maybe things are different.

Much respect goes out to the families who have to encourage a child to persevere through the time of their youth, despite the cruelty of others. I don't know why I wanted to write about this...the subject of bullying has been on my mind as of late. A lot of my time is spent quietly sitting back in observation of the world around me. Too many young sad faces pass through my field of vision. I want to stop them and tell them it gets better.

I want to say "look at me; look how great I turned out!"

But then they might say: "you are always broke and looking for work."

Then I will tell them: "I'm an artist these things take time!"

And they will say: "Whatever, old man."

Which is fine. Some people like to be advised and some people just need to get through it and work it out their own way. But it's out there and if there is an opportunity to make some one smile we need to grasp that moment and make it work. Eli Mongrel is good at making kids smile, he is much better at it than I am!

Now it's officially summer! Summer should be a time of carefree activity and growth in a young person's life. I hope all the kids out there get to regroup and enjoy themselves during the time off from school. As an adult who gets to visit home in the summer I sometimes run into or hear stories about the two guys who initiated me into the brotherhood of being bullied. They never look happy and you never hear their names in any of the "good ol' stories" from back in the day that old friends like to tell. Happiness and laughter don't appear to be in their dictionaries. It's almost like the cliche you see in many teen movies and somehow I can't help but smile...
More aboutRemembering When...

We are desperately needing some help with out vet bills.

Posted by penus

The last few months have seen us take on some pretty hard cases which has seen out vet accounts grow quite large. Our current Manly Road Horse Hospital Account is $5625.77 and our Nerang Equine Practice Account is down to $1046.90.  If you would like to reduce your taxable income before the end of the financial year please consider making a tax deductible donation.

We are a not for profit organisation that relies on donations to rescue these beautiful horses that have been abused, neglected or just thrown away.

Please deposit into the account below and if you require a receipt please email us your full name and address with the amount you have donated. Or if you would prefer to make a donation directly into our vet account you can find their details in the "how you can help" section of this website.

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671
Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

Thank you for helping us help the horses xxx
More aboutWe are desperately needing some help with out vet bills.

Jet Update

Posted by penus on Monday, June 20, 2011

Jetty is doing really well finally and is out of the critical stages. He has so much energy, has put on quite a bit of weight and is just looking and feeling really good. The farrier said he wasn't quite ready to have his heart bar shoes off yet and the vet was extremely pleased with the way his cheek tooth abscess was healing. I'm so happy he is such a fighter.
Massive thanks to the beautiful people who sponsor him, we are ever so grateful for everything. Without your love and support rescuing these horses wouldn't be as successful because we wouldn't be able to take on as much as we do without your ongoing love and support.
Massive thanks to: Rachel Luck, Amanda Staward, Helen Weder (who also bought jetty a new rug), QLD water filters and Alyce Davis for everything.

Jet when he arrived in Jan 2011

Jetty now, so happy and getting better each day
More aboutJet Update

Would you like to sponsor Louie?

Posted by penus

Beautiful Louie was surrendered just over a week ago in poor condition. He is a stunning little QH x Arab 27 year old gelding who is just the sweetest old man. He has the best personality and just loves cuddles, kisses, grooming and his dinner. He is a very soft horse and even Mishky pushes him around. Louie will make someone a lovely little horse once he is ready for a home and we are looking for 10 people to sponsor Louie until he is re-homed.

What you will get from the sponsorship: You will get the satisfaction of being able to help rehabilitate this beautiful horses life so that he can live out his days happy, healthy and loved. You will get either a personalized album or a framed photo of Louie once he has been re-homed, you will also get a tax receipt which you can claim at the end of the financial year.

What we gain from your sponsorship: Financial help so that we can keep rescuing more lives. Many rescue organisations are limited by funding and we are no different. Every single little bit helps and makes a difference in the lives of these animals.

It only cost $10 per week and we are looking for 10 people to sponsor Louie. If you are interested please email saveahorseaustralia with the subject "Louie" and I will email you all of the

Thank you so much for helping us help the horses. xxx

More aboutWould you like to sponsor Louie?

Mishka's Update

Posted by penus


Mishka was diagnosed with a malignant sarcoma on her shoulder and due to her age surgery isn't an option. I have healed sarcoids many times with natural products and decided that we would try healing her with a special natural cancema cream from America and Frankincense oil. We have had great success and Mishka's tumor has gone from 13 x 10 cm's to 9 x 9 cm's in only 14 days. We will continue to treat her and hopefully we will kill this tumor completely. A massive thank you to Mishka's sponsor's, you are all amazing and are helping a great deal with Mishka's treatment which is costing $250 per week just in the natural medication. Without your ongoing love and support we wouldn't be able to rescue the amount for horses that we rescue. A massive thank you from me and Mishka. xxx

Before treatment

14 days. The sarco-41 draws the cancer to the surface and kills it. The Frankincense has been proven to kill tumors on horses and people. I'm very happy with the progress.

More aboutMishka's Update

Marley's Update

Posted by penus


The Farrier saw Marley again and he still cant have shoes on due to the nasty abscess but he is coming along very nicely. He is such a beautiful boy who has the most cheeky personality. A massive heartfelt thanks to the beautiful people who are sponsoring him. Marley's rehabilitation is quite expensive and with your help we have been able to give him the best possible care while still rescuing and rehabilitating other horses. A massive thanks to:
Lyn Clark, Kayanne Balderson, Kristy Evans, QLD Water Filters, Rachel Comrie and Alyce Davis for your ongoing love and support. A massive Neigh from Marley xxx

Marley's hoof in November 2010

Growing out nicely

Marley is desperately needing a new 6'9 waterproof winter rug. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to go towards his new jarmies that would be amazing. Please use the reference "Marley's PJ" and email with your full name and address for the tax receipt. xx

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671
Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB
More aboutMarley's Update

Still needing a few sponsors

Posted by penus on Thursday, June 16, 2011

We have had a few sponsors who haven't been able to keep up with their sponsorship commitments. If you would like to sponsor one of our horses please email me for more details. When you email me put the horses name in the subject of the email.

What you get for sponsoring: You will get a personalized album of their progress photos or a framed picture of your sponsor horse when they are all better. You will get a certificate of thanks for supporting SAHA and helping with your horses rehabilitation and you will be named on our website as a sponsor. Thank you so much for considering sponsorship.

Sponsorship cost only $10 per week.

1. Marley is needing two new sponsors:

If you would like to sponsor Marley please email for more information

2. Rusty is needing one new sponsor:

If you would like to sponsor Rusty please email for more information

3. Mishka is needing one more sponsor:

If you would like to sponsor Mishka please email for more information

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us help the horses.
More aboutStill needing a few sponsors

New Rescue Horse

Posted by penus on Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We have a beautiful new rescue horse. He is a Quarter Horse x Arab who is in light condition and 27 years old. Louie was surrendered and will be rehabilitated and re-homed to a loving new home. He is 14.2hh and bay with a little white on his face. He is a dear old man and such a loving personality.

Louie is looking for 10 sponsors at $10 per week if you are interested sponsoring Louie please email us for details. when emailing please put "louie" in the subject.

What you will get for sponsoring Louie: Once he has been rehomed you will get either a personalized album of his progress or a framed photo of him before he is rehomed. You will also get a certificate of appreciation for supporting SAHA and helping Louie through his rehabilitation.

Thank you so much for your support. xx

More aboutNew Rescue Horse

Marley Update

Posted by penus on Thursday, June 9, 2011

Marley's second horse hospital appointment went really well and he is due back for his third appointment on the 26th of September. He has however gotten another hoof abscess, which saw a huge part of his sole cut away. Marley is stabled and bandaged up for now and will remain bandaged for at least 2 weeks. He is doing really well and I'm happy with his progress which is slow and steady.

Marley was surrendered in November 2010 with two fractured pedal bones, chronic laminits and white line disease. He was in a bad way but slowly he is getting better.

Marley is on Nature Vet's Retread Biotin Supplement as well as Rosehip Herb to help heal his hooves. If you can donated towards some supplements that would be amazing. Just make a deposit and email me your full name, address and amount you donated so that I can send you a receipt.

1. Retread $114
2. Rosehip $28

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671
Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

Marley on arrival

Marley after his first farrier appointment

Marley 5 months in care

Marley 6 months in care

More aboutMarley Update

Wish List

Posted by penus

We currently have a few horses in care that need specific supplements. If you can help by donating some money to help buy these supplements that would be awesome. Every donation over $2 is tax deductible.

If you require a receipt please email your full name and address is

1. Retread Nature Vet Biotin Supplement ~ $114  ~ For Marley
2. Rosehip Herb ~ $28 ~ For Marley
3. Frankincense Oil  ~  $130  ~ For Mishka and Jack
4. Sarco-41 cream  ~  $120 ~  For Mishka

If you want to donate to buy one of these products please deposit into account and email with your full name, address, how much you deposited and for what you want the money to go towards. Or you are most welcome to purchase something from the list and send it to us.

Thank you so much for your love and support

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671
Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

More aboutWish List

Mishka is looking for sponsorship

Posted by penus

Beautiful Mishka was surrendered only about 5 weeks ago when she had been abandoned in a paddock at an agistment centre. When she arrived she had a massive lump on her shoulder which I thought was a sarcoid but wanted to have a biopsy done before I started treating it. The biopsy came back that it wasn't a sarciod but was a malignant sarcoma.

Mishky is 24 years old and much to old for surgery so we have been treating her with Frankincense oil and sarco-41 with great success. I'm very happy with the progress however Mishky's treatment is quite expensive and we also have another horse having the same treatment done.

Frankincense oil is $130 for a 15ml bottle and we are using 1 per week. The Sarco-41 is $120 for the tubes which we are also using 1 per week.

We are looking for 10 sponsors who can pay $10 per week.

What you get for sponsoring Mishka: You will get a personalized album of her progress photos or a framed picture of her when she is all better. You will get a certificate of thanks for supporting SAHA and helping with Mishka's rehabilitation and you will be named on our website as Mishka's sponsor. You will also have the personal satisfaction that you have helped this amazing horse through her darkest hour.

It only cost $10 per week to sponsor Mishka so if you think you would like to help her get through her rehab please email me on saveahorseaustralia and I will give you all of the

Thank you so much for helping us help the horses.

More aboutMishka is looking for sponsorship