Mishka's Update

Posted by penus on Monday, June 20, 2011


Mishka was diagnosed with a malignant sarcoma on her shoulder and due to her age surgery isn't an option. I have healed sarcoids many times with natural products and decided that we would try healing her with a special natural cancema cream from America and Frankincense oil. We have had great success and Mishka's tumor has gone from 13 x 10 cm's to 9 x 9 cm's in only 14 days. We will continue to treat her and hopefully we will kill this tumor completely. A massive thank you to Mishka's sponsor's, you are all amazing and are helping a great deal with Mishka's treatment which is costing $250 per week just in the natural medication. Without your ongoing love and support we wouldn't be able to rescue the amount for horses that we rescue. A massive thank you from me and Mishka. xxx

Before treatment

14 days. The sarco-41 draws the cancer to the surface and kills it. The Frankincense has been proven to kill tumors on horses and people. I'm very happy with the progress.

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