Marley Update

Posted by penus on Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Marley was surrendered in October 2010 and is one of our longest residents. He was surrendered with badly cracked hooves and badly damaged pedal bones including fractures. After a long time in care one of his hooves healed perfectly but sadly the other hoof was growing cracked and all of the oil, supplements and different types of shoes and boots wasn’t helping. He was under the care of 3 different farriers before we decided that enough is enough and sent him to the Gold Coast equine centre for specialist treatment. He still has a long road to recovery but being a 11 year old horse we are trying our best to get him better and sound. He is an amazing horse with a bright future.

First week in care 2010

4 months in care

6 months in care

12 months in care


12 months in care

14 months in care - starting to go backwards

Last week after his surgery

Glued on shoe

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