"No Horses For Courses" demonstration in Perth

Posted by penus on Saturday, October 9, 2010

Today we held our first "No horses for courses" demonstration at Wellington Square in East Perth, it wasn't as big as I had hoped but was successful none the less. All together we had about 40 people and 12 horses battle the weather to protest ~ letting Terry Redman know that we "say NO to the sale for horse meat for human consumption in Australia".

We had a number of spokes persons from animal activist groups and a Member of Parliament along with media coverage and amazing supporters and this is only the beginning. I will keep everyone posted on the next event as it is planned ~ please keep sending letters, emails and phone calls to the media, the WA government and the Federal Government.

Department for Ag:

Honourable Terry Redman MLA
Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Minister Assisting the Minister for Education
e-Mail: Minister.Redman@dpc.wa.gov.au

Honourable Colin Barnett MEc MLA
Premier; Treasurer; Minister for State Development
e-Mail: wa-government@dpc.wa.gov.au

ALSO ~ Please sign our petition and pass it to all of your friends.

Massive massive massive thank you to Beth Reiley, Emma and everyone else who helped organise this event and also massive thanks to everyone who supported it and came along...


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