Update on Sulley ♥

Posted by penus on Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sulley arrived on Sunday and settled in well ~ The beautiful Freya has fallen in love and follows him around like a love sick puppy dog. He is quite sore on his hock though and its making a slight grinding sound as well as clicking. Im pretty sure we have an arthritis problem there and he is booked in to have xrays on the 15th of October. He was a little grumpy but I have put him on some bute which has helped and im presuming the pain is causing his grumpiness ~ He will go on some joint guard as well as some herbal treatment for arthritis and ulcers.

Im still trying to track down the horse dealer who sold him at the Laidley sales on the 14th of August ~ i have been told he is a regular at the Laidley sales and normally wears a blue singlet shirt. If anyone can help, please email or call me ~ Im just wanting to find out some history on him  ♥


Day 1

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