Our Own Black Beauty and Ginger

Posted by penus on Wednesday, March 27, 2013

At SAHA we have our very own Black Beauty and Ginger, only our babies names are "Jet & Mishka".

Jet was surrendered in 2009 with all kinds of issues including: emaciation, colic, laminitis, rain scald, gut ulcers, tooth root abscess and a nasty eye ulcer which saw him lose one of his eyes. It was a long road to recovery and being an old horse I wasn't sure if what I was doing was the right thing or just prolonging his suffering but I kept going because he never gave up his fight and through it all he was still lively, spirited and had fight in his soul.

Mishka was surrendered in 2010 with a malignant sarcoma on her shoulder and being aged the vet suggested euthanize but I had heard of this amazing cream in America which drew the cancer to the surface of the skin and then killed it dropping the cancer off and leaving the horse cancer free.. I thought "why not give it a go" Well it worked and within 3 months Mishka went from having cancer to not having a trace in her body. The vet told me when her teeth were done that she was one of the healthiest 26 year old horses she had seen.

Jet and Mishka are both retired with us, Jet because he is a very special needs horse and is very very old. He turns 36 years old this year. Mishka is also retired with us because Jet can not live without her. He will not eat his dinner if she is not beside him, he will not float unless she is beside him, i cant even wash him unless she is in the wash bay as well. They are so much in love that it would be cruel to separate them now. So Mishka and jet will live out their days today and in love.

Jet arrival



Eye surgery


Jet having a bath

Sarcoma on arrival

First day of treatment

Mid treatment

Those big lumps start to fall off

Almost done
100% cancer free but left a little hole in her side.

Enjoying a ride

A life of retired heaven
Jet and Mishka in love.
If you would like to help us rescue more horses like Jet and Mishka who are both now 100% healthy and happy please make a donation today. We rely on the public to contiune to do the wonderful work that we do.
We are a fully registered charity and provide tax receipts for all donations over $2. Just transfer money into account listed below using your surname as the reference and email you details to saveahorseaustralia@yahoo.com.au.

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671

Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB
More aboutOur Own Black Beauty and Ginger

Jaffa and her lump of pus

Posted by penus

We had this beautiful young grey mare surrendered with a horrible big lump which looking like a grey horse melanoma but was actually just a pus filled pocket of infection. So we drained in which entailed cutting a drain hole and every day sticking my finger into the hole to keep it open and to drain the pus. She was such a good girl (the sedation helped) and its now healing well. Once we have it all healed Jaffa will have her teeth done and she will be put under saddle and rehomed. I'm hoping she is a lovely quite horse but she sure is beautiful and a real little princess as well.

More aboutJaffa and her lump of pus

Archie update

Posted by penus

Our beautiful foal which we rescued from the knackery at Christmas time has had his hernia repaired. This was done a few weeks ago and its pretty much completely healed. He will be gelded next week and then he will be looking for a home. Please read our information in "horses for adoption" section and email saveahorseaustralia@yahoo.com.au if you are interested and ill email you back an application form.

On arrival

Large hernia

First hoof trim

Hernia repair


More aboutArchie update

Our 3 Off The Track Rescues

Posted by penus

We have had 3 beautiful horses surrendered to us with racing injuries.

Lonnie is a beautiful 3 year old Gelding with an injured fetlock which we had xrayed and the vet has suggested 12 months rest before being xrayed again.

Zorro is also a beautiful 3 year old Gelding who was surrendered with a fractured pelvis, he also has had some injury to his leg and will be spelled for 12 months as well.

Warrior is a 6 year old Gelding and was surrendered with a double fractured pelvis which needed surgery. He will also be spelled.

Mitavite have come on board with a form of sponsorship and donated a 12kilo tub of Bonafide to help with our rescue horses that have bone problems. Its been scientifically proven to help with repairing bone fractures. We have all 3 of our OTT horses on 4 times the recommended amount of bonafide as well as we feed them mitavite breeda which has a dose already in the feed.

Bonafide® explained
The active ingredient in Bonafide® is Quinaquanone,™ a water soluble, bio-available form of Vitamin K 1 & K2.

Vitamin K1& K2 has a critical effect on the function of Osteocalcin, the bone protein that binds the mineral and protein in bone together. Without sufficient Vit K the binding process is incomplete and low density or defective bone and cartilage are produced.

Vitamin K 1 & 2 is naturally available in fresh, growing green pasture but it is highly unstable, being degraded by UV light, wilting, or “wintering off.”

Horses that do not have constant access to high quality pasture are likely to be deficient in Vitamin K, leading to a reduction in bone density and bone strength.
Horses removed from Vit K rich pasture and brought into a box/yard regime have demonstrated a reduction in bone density within 7-10 days.

There is an established correlation between bone density and the incidence of OCDs and DODs in yearlings and DMD (shinsoreness) in 2 year olds.

Bonafide® is the first product to provide a stable, bio-available form of Vitamin K 1 & K2

You can find more information on Bonafide at: http://www.mitavite.com.au/mitavite06/Bonafide-product.asp

We will most definitely keep everyone up to date with their progress. Once again, if you would like to donate some money to go towards our broken down OTT TB's in rehabilitation then please that would be amazing and we really do need your help more than you know. We are a fully registered charity and provide tax receipts for all donations over $2. Just transfer money into account listed below using your surname and OTT as the reference and email you details to saveahorseaustralia@yahoo.com.au.

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671

Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB





More aboutOur 3 Off The Track Rescues

New Rescue Horse - Bexter

Posted by penus

We have had a couple of new rescue horses come into care ~ Bexter is one of them. He was found walking hopelessly around Guanaba QLD and was picked up by the council. I did some investigation and found out that the horses owner left a rental property to move interstate and left the horse behind. The owner of the property was happy to pay his council fees and surrender him into care for rehabilitation.

On arrival we found all kinds of things wrong with the poor guy including a skeletal issue which saw him walking around as though we was drunk. The vet assessed him saying that is stifle was very unstable and that he his body was under developed for his age with malnutrition at such a young age being the culprit, the poor baby is only 3 years old. He also developed a nasty eye ulcer which needed medication every 2 hours around the clock so we attached a treatment tube to help with application and the eye is now healing well.

We decided to have the chiropractor see Bexter and this was his chiro update:
The Chiro came out and saw Bexter yesterday in his foster home. He looked at Bexter walking and shook his head and could only say 'Good God!'. But you should see Bexter now! The difference he has made in him in PHENOMENAL! Ron (chiro) went over him just sussing out where the issues were... His back was out at his sacrum, his shoulders were out of alignment, his neck was extremely tight all through out, his back was roached and nearly had 'kissing spine' (where the vertebrates fuse together), he was extremely sore in the hamstrings, his abductors were nearly non-existent, he was very tight through his ribs, and he was so unbalanced he couldn't stand or walk properly (as you already knew). Ron said he was in a LOT of pain. Firstly he worked on his back and put it back into place, then re-aligned his shoulders and worked on his thoracic muscles. He released his hamstrings and all along his ribs, and down his neck. He also gave him a phototonic light (red light) therapy. You can see the difference it has made in his overall shape - his back is no where near as roached as it was, he can now stand balanced on all four feet properly - he is walking like a normal horse instead of the drunk-like walk he had. His neck has lengthened and he was completely relaxed and released. It was amazing to watch him at work! He would like to come back in 4 or 5 days and do a full cranial-sacrum release on him. He says after the second treatment you won't know the horse. He didn't want to do it today because he didn't want to over-stimulate Bexter, and didn't want to do much with his face while he has the sore eye. Massive thanks to his amazing foster mum for providing such awesome 24/7 care to this very sick horsey.

I do think with time to heal and regular equssage sessions and chiro appointments we can get this boy sound enough to be broken in and ridden. He will be in care for at least 12 months, maybe even longer.

If anyone would like to donate some money to go towards Bexters treatment please that would be amazing and we really do need your help more than you know. We are a fully registered charity and provide tax receipts for all donations over $2. Just transfer money into account listed below using your surname and BEX as the reference and email you details to saveahorseaustralia@yahoo.com.au.

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671

Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

Thank you all so much for your support

On arrival

Mud fever before

Mud fever after a wash and treatment

Treatment tube

2 weeks in care and after his first chiro appointment
More aboutNew Rescue Horse - Bexter

Adjust - Find the Balance, Repeat Steps 1 & 2 Again and Again and Again

Posted by penus on Monday, March 25, 2013

Usually winter-time training goes pretty well for me. My wife sends me off to Maryland to stay at my family's place. I get to paddle and see my family and she gets to do...nevermind, I don't want to know what she gets to do while I am away!!

These past few months of training for the Carolina Cup have not gone as well as planned. There has been a lot of upheaval and so many curveballs have been thrown in my direction that my eyes almost well up with tears every time I think about clicking on that button that registered me for the Graveyard Elite race instead of the Money Island Open race. The Graveyard race takes you out in the ocean and the last time I raced in the ocean off Wrightsville Beach I got pummeled. I expected to spend a lot of time in Ocean City trying to get acclimated to wavy seas but didn't make it there once...

As I have examined all that has gone wrong I have divided up things that are my fault, my wife's fault, my mother's fault, and the fault of TOoMC (Things Out of My Control).
Me: 473
My Wife: 0
My Mother: 0
TOoMC: maybe 1 but really 0

I have had to adjust to many of my own mistakes and try to find some balance in life to continue progression and to keep things on an even keel. Here are highlights of a few tests and trials:

As soon as I got back I rushed out to paddle and went into the wind using a 9" blade because I was panicked that I was behind my mileage schedule. End result - dangerously shore shoulders. Anybody reading this who is a paddler is shaking their heads thinking what an idiot...I know I know.

My offseason time in the weight room might have been too much. Being that it was winter I spent a lot of time lifting weights and running and standing on medicine balls. I introduced a few more exercises into my weight routine that focused on getting my shoulders stronger. The transfer from land to water did not feel very good. During my last re-entry into paddling after a long hiatus, from November to January, I did not feel as uncomfortable getting the paddling muscles into a smooth flowing motion. This time around it was quite different and quite uncomfortable. I knew I should have dropped a day of weights and gone into the hot yoga room!!

This trip I took Eli Mongrel with me. Eli is such a sweetheart but he is a HANDFUL! My wife and I decided that winter in Oxford would be good for trying to work on the separation anxiety with the mongrel because the building where I would be staying would be empty of occupants and my mother's house has no full-time neighbors on either side. Well, there were plenty of cars in the parking lot on weekends and my mom was in Florida on vacation so she wasn't around to help out with the process. I don't mind a dog barking his head off as long as he isn't bothering someone else and/or flailing against his crate. Coming back from a paddle and finding Eli with a bloody snout or completely busted out of his crate did not make the process easy.

When my mother finally returned from her trip she was exhausted and on the verge of getting sick so I didn't want to leave Eli with her for too long. Eli Mongrel is not a comforting companion for the very tired individual, especially an individual you love and who has bent over backwards all of their life for you! My paddles were either kept too short or I went too fast because I was worried about the mongrel bothering all of Oxford's winter-time population, which was more than I expected this year. Also, the water was just too cold to keep flowing over Eli's private parts when I took him paddling with me!! Damn recessed deck!

My board was full of water. This one hurt. My 12-6 DEAN got dinged on the nose while in winter storage, not by me, and out of curiosity I tipped the tail end up to see if any water was inside of it. WOW, was I surprised!! There were microscopic hairline fractures along the seam at the tail where carbon fiber joined what looks like balsa wood. I cut those out and tipped the nose up then watched the water really flow out of it. I left it at an angle and traveled back to Chicago to pick up more gear, hoping I would be able to patch it when I returned.

Unfortunately, there was still some dampness around one of the holes so I needed some sun to dry the surface around the ding. Sun has been hard to come by this year! As I began to panic I began to smear Marine Tech on the holes and dinged the bow again moving the board around to find sunlight so I smeared more Marine Tech on the board. All the dings were fixed and sanded except for one. I tried to rush things and just created more work for myself. I knew, at the very beginning, I should have cut the tail off and let the board drain and the foam dry completely. Such is happening right now so the board should be ready to repair when I get back from my 2nd unexpected trip back to Chicago.

Looks like we have to move again. (Our building was sold and the new landlords are awful and do not deserve one penny of our rent!) Gracie's mom has permitted us and the two hairy mongrels to return to her house in Ogden Dunes so my employment plans for the summer are up in the air again. I am back in Chicago trying to see if I can work something out, but my wife has graciously allowed me to return to Maryland for the summer if opportunities await there. And it is still so dang cold here in Chicago that the thought of going out on Lake Michigan doesn't really excite me, but I have to in order to get some more miles under my belt. Eli went swimming this past Saturday and his body felt like a block of ice when he got out. It was so extreme that I got a little nervous that the cold would affect him physically. However, he did not even shiver and his tail wagged for more. (We left the beach after feeling his body.) The dog is a lot tougher than we all thought...unless he is out of sight of his momma!

Where has global warming been this year? Last winter spoiled me. I haven't be able to man up and get out on the water on these cold dreary days. Although I wish it wasn't, this one is still my fault because I have the gear to be out there and still be safe.

I think I have complained enough today...

The best part about venting my whines is realizing that I still cannot wait for the Carolina Cup weekend to arrive!! I am doing a paddle clinic with Danny Ching, as are a lot of my paddling buddies, racing out in the open ocean, which is always a great learning experience, getting my Level 3 certification in Paddle Fit, which might help me earn a shekel or two, and getting the opportunity to see old friends and family and possibly make some new ones. How can getting ready for any part of this upcoming weekend be a bad thing? There is only one answer to this question:


Having to adjust to the circumstances life throws at you, if you react properly, increases growth. When you don't react properly you dig some deeper holes, but...if you, again, adjust, there is great potential for growth. I am working on that great potential now!

I am still growing and learning how to become a better Christian, husband, son, dog owner, paddler, business man, friend, and family member. During these recent trials I have discovered a lot of areas where I still need work. This is good, sometimes hard to accept but good nonetheless. I hope that on the other side of April 27th I will have worked hard enough so my growth is noticeable to others and I can have a positive effect on those around me.

All the while I will be open for advice from others to make this positivity happen!!

Come on spring!!

More aboutAdjust - Find the Balance, Repeat Steps 1 & 2 Again and Again and Again

Causes of Heartburn

Posted by penus on Monday, March 18, 2013

Causes of Heartburn
Causes of Heartburn

Heartburn is a frequent stomach problem that we experience every moment of our lives. Although the very acid substance helps break the food you eat, but eating too much of these substances can lead to heartburn or stomach pain. It is also evident that the acidity has become a more common condition due to the processing of the food was very bad.

There are many factors that can increase the amount of acid in the stomach, such as:

  • Excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Do not eat for hours on an empty stomach.
  • Too much consumption of alcohol.
  • Excessive coffee drinking habits.
  • Eating unhealthy foods, such as fried foods.
  • Aging, pregnancy and obesity.
  • The habit of smoking.

The best way to relieve heartburn in the stomach is to eat a banana every day, Included in the fruits of your daily menu as apple, banana and melon. That you need to consider are:

  • Avoid fried foods, or spicy peppers and pickles.
  • Drink plenty of water every day. You can also have 3 or 4 cups of water fasting, which reduces acidity and improves digestion.
  • Do not skip breakfast. Always eat some fruit like a banana or papaya.
  • Avoid vegetables like cauliflower and beans because they produce a lot of acidity.
  • Refusing alcohol drinking coffee, smoking and drinking or tea. 

heartburn medicine
heartburn medicine

what causes heartburn
what causes heartburn

heartburn relief
heartburn relief

heartburn symptoms
heartburn symptoms

heartburn location
heartburn location

    More aboutCauses of Heartburn

    How to Reduce Sugar Intake in Food

    Posted by penus on Friday, March 15, 2013

    Reduce Sugar Intake in Food
    Reduce Sugar Intake in Food

    How to Reduce Sugar Intake in Food - Various sweets are very popular because the calories are very abundant and can provide a quick surge of energy for daily activities, Although sugar has a high calorie content, but with no nutritional value. That is the problem.

    Sugar can cause a variety of diseases, such as weight gain uncontrolled increase suspect inflammation and infection of the immune system and increase insulin levels. In addition, some diseases that arise from consuming excessive sugar such as heart disease, asthma, mood swings, diabetes, gallstones, hypertension and arthritis.

    Eating food that contains less sugar is one of the best steps that can be done to improve the current health and future, but you can not completely eliminate sugar in your body, here are tips on how to reduce sugar consumption in foods:

    1. Reduce consumption of processed and packaged foods, then eating natural foods.
    2. Enjoy the candy of the highest quality possible.
    3. Keep the bottle sweets and candy, to reduce the amount you eat.
    4. Familiarize yourself with sugars such as fructose, glucose, lactose, malt dextrin and dextrose, read food labels to know what you are actually eating.
    5. Avoid empty calories just chewing gaining weight, save it for special occasions.
    6. Consider your snacks, including fruit, cereal and milk and eliminate sweets.
    7. If you want to eat sweets, pick fruit, honey and foods that contain natural sugars
    white sugar
    white sugar

      sugar glider
      sugar glider

      glucose sugar
      glucose sugar

      sugar cane
      sugar cane

      fructose sugar
      fructose sugar

      bag of sugar
      bag of sugar
      More aboutHow to Reduce Sugar Intake in Food