SUP and the Evolution into the Healthier Lifestyle

Posted by penus on Monday, March 11, 2013

If you had told me a year ago that a person can limit themselves to only one drink and still enjoy themselves I would have nodded along in agreement then walked out of earshot and told the next person that you were certifiably insane. As the point of embarkation for me to evolve into some sort of businessman approaches, I am working on a mission statement that will explain my intent to improve the wellness, fitness, and overall health of any potential client interested in or needing to make a change. All the doctorates in the world can explain theories and offer advice to an individual but it is only when said individual decides for themselves that change is necessary that change will occur. For anyone who has known me for some time they can appreciate the fact that I can now walk into my wife's bar in the middle of a Chicago winter and order a ginger ale instead of a beer and not feel awkward at all. (I may still act awkward but I no longer feel it as well...)

I have finally found an activity that has stuck with me and inspired me to find the time to enjoy it to the fullest. I know I have touched on this in previous posts but it wasn't until the other night when I sat in bed reading and enjoying a single serving of armagnac that I came to fully appreciate the change that has occurred deep within my soul...and this change had to go DEEP in order to achieve success! As I slowly sipped, I felt no anxiousness concerning the fact that I was not going to have another, which was always part of the problem before. In the past, when I would put limits on myself, as I neared the stopping point I would break into sweats wondering whether I would adhere to my proposed maximum intake or how bad my hangover would be if I slid by the proposed maximum intake by just a few drinks. Most of the time the results were not pretty and neither was the next day, even if the next day was sunny, 80 degrees and the water temperature was in the high 70s.

My decision making process is still not functioning at 100%. I can make a bad choice quicker than a lizard's tongue can reach a fly but those moments are much rarer now than in previous years. Getting out on the water is very important to me. Having my body function at its fullest potential in order to receive maximize benefits from time on the water, for not only fitness but pure enjoyment as well, heavily influences the decisions I make. Too many beautiful days were spent behind drawn curtains in front of awful television programming. There is too much beauty in this world to miss out on due to ugly decisions. Finding something that works for the individual, whether it be religion, stand up paddling, rock climbing, jogging, playing a musical instrument, painting, or macrame, having a vested interest in an active pursuit to influence the mind in a positive manner is key to making changes. Ultimately, the individual has to make the decision to change, but getting influenced in a beneficial way helps. Expensive talking-only sessions may seem cheap, not as in price but as in worth, compared to bringing activity into such an equation.

I know this because I have sat on those couches and had those talks and I do not care much for that route. Talking heads offering advice on theories they have only studied and not tested through personal experience is great if it works for you but what if it doesn't? There must be active alternatives available and that is what I hope one aspect of my business will be. Anaerobic and aerobic activity can have positive influences on the mind and body and I am evidence of the benefits of stand up paddling. Since I have taken up the sport as my number one hobby I no longer have the desire to smoke, no longer struggle with the need to drink alcohol, have fallen under 200lbs for the first time in 4 years, and have had my wife ask - "what's up with this sex everyday stuff?" I'm sorry for such openness but there is no other way to describe the benefits of an active lifestyle on the mind and body, especially the over 40 mind and body!

Even Keel Fitness, a stand up paddling based outfit offering clients the resources to pursue a healthier and more fit lifestyle should be coming soon to shorelines near you. This business will cater to the needs of individuals, not only fitness needs but logistics as well. If you want to paddle Even Keel Fitness can make that happen, no matter where you are!

See you on the water soon!

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