New Rescue Horse - Bexter

Posted by penus on Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We have had a couple of new rescue horses come into care ~ Bexter is one of them. He was found walking hopelessly around Guanaba QLD and was picked up by the council. I did some investigation and found out that the horses owner left a rental property to move interstate and left the horse behind. The owner of the property was happy to pay his council fees and surrender him into care for rehabilitation.

On arrival we found all kinds of things wrong with the poor guy including a skeletal issue which saw him walking around as though we was drunk. The vet assessed him saying that is stifle was very unstable and that he his body was under developed for his age with malnutrition at such a young age being the culprit, the poor baby is only 3 years old. He also developed a nasty eye ulcer which needed medication every 2 hours around the clock so we attached a treatment tube to help with application and the eye is now healing well.

We decided to have the chiropractor see Bexter and this was his chiro update:
The Chiro came out and saw Bexter yesterday in his foster home. He looked at Bexter walking and shook his head and could only say 'Good God!'. But you should see Bexter now! The difference he has made in him in PHENOMENAL! Ron (chiro) went over him just sussing out where the issues were... His back was out at his sacrum, his shoulders were out of alignment, his neck was extremely tight all through out, his back was roached and nearly had 'kissing spine' (where the vertebrates fuse together), he was extremely sore in the hamstrings, his abductors were nearly non-existent, he was very tight through his ribs, and he was so unbalanced he couldn't stand or walk properly (as you already knew). Ron said he was in a LOT of pain. Firstly he worked on his back and put it back into place, then re-aligned his shoulders and worked on his thoracic muscles. He released his hamstrings and all along his ribs, and down his neck. He also gave him a phototonic light (red light) therapy. You can see the difference it has made in his overall shape - his back is no where near as roached as it was, he can now stand balanced on all four feet properly - he is walking like a normal horse instead of the drunk-like walk he had. His neck has lengthened and he was completely relaxed and released. It was amazing to watch him at work! He would like to come back in 4 or 5 days and do a full cranial-sacrum release on him. He says after the second treatment you won't know the horse. He didn't want to do it today because he didn't want to over-stimulate Bexter, and didn't want to do much with his face while he has the sore eye. Massive thanks to his amazing foster mum for providing such awesome 24/7 care to this very sick horsey.

I do think with time to heal and regular equssage sessions and chiro appointments we can get this boy sound enough to be broken in and ridden. He will be in care for at least 12 months, maybe even longer.

If anyone would like to donate some money to go towards Bexters treatment please that would be amazing and we really do need your help more than you know. We are a fully registered charity and provide tax receipts for all donations over $2. Just transfer money into account listed below using your surname and BEX as the reference and email you details to

BSB: 084852
ACC: 189538671

Name: Save A Horse Australia
Bank: NAB

Thank you all so much for your support

On arrival

Mud fever before

Mud fever after a wash and treatment

Treatment tube

2 weeks in care and after his first chiro appointment

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